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5. Viewing Window Keyboard Shortcuts

Commands that you can give from within the viewing window are all single keystroke commands, often combined with moving the mouse.

TAB             change focus to command window for Control Commands
S/s             toggle STEREO mode (need blue/red glasses :-)
                modes:  mono redcyan crosseyed glasses
                See also the 'stereo' View Command
ctrl-S          toggle between left and right stereo views,
                using current settings for focal length etc.
                   Type e.g. "0s" to return to mono view.
>               single frame forward stepping, in time animation mode
<               single frame backward stepping, in time animation mode

Button-N            various translation/rotation/zoom, depending on mode (fly/orbit/rot/tran)

SHIFT + Button-N    modifier to the usual Button-N action, to have more fine control

CTRL + Button-N     modifier to orbit-mode, e.g. to do translations instead of rotations 

        s       playnow
        l       loop (rock)
        f,e     playevery=1
        r,t     playevery=0

Gview.cpp : Fl_Gview::handle()
        cw      reset camera position
        p       identify nearest object under mouse cursor
        P       pick that object as the new origin
        o       ORBIT mode
        f       FLY mode
        r       ROTATE mode
        t       TRANSLATE mode
        O       toggle perspective mode
        v       make field of view larger
        V       make field of view smaller
        ^v      toggle debug output
        @       report viewpoint position
        =       show object-to-world, world-to-object 4x4 matrices
                  (precede by object name, e.g. "c=", "g3=")
        ESC     exit

        PrintScreen  Take image snapshot of current view
        <  > Step backwards/forwards in dynamical time
                   (numeric prefix sets time step)
        {  }    Animate backwards/forwards in dynamical time
        ~       Fermionic dynamical-time animation toggle:
                   cycle between stop/forward/stop/backward/...
        z  Z    Halve/double animation speed (dyn units/sec)
                   (numeric prefix sets animation speed)

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