Sketch at a trajectory service for ROMS ocean simulation data

Here are some thoughts about how a trajectory service might work, and what the results format from the existing tools looks like.

The process we've been using so far looks like this:


  1. Single 4-dimensional (lon*lat*depth*time) NetCDF file from ROMS, with fields:
    time (sampled at some interval, every 6 hours)
    lon (degrees east, currently positive (Monterey Bay, CA centered around +238 (!) deg))
    lat (degrees north)
    depth (meters)
    u (eastbound zonal current, m/sec)
    v (northbound meridional current, m/sec) (note that ROMS does not appear to report vertical velocities, or at least they haven't been given to us: no "w" so far)
    temp (temperature (C))
    salt (salinity (units unspecified, maybe gm/liter? Values around 33))

    The ROMS computation apparently uses "sigma coordinates" internally to represent depth, in which the depth where the computational grid provides a fixed number of levels between the sea surface and the sea floor

    The example file we have contains a 131x141x30 (lon x lat x depth) grid, though the computational setup doesn't care about the resolution. Field values beneath the sea floor are replaced with "missing" values (currently -9999). Since the depth extends to 5000 m, there are lots of missing values in shallow water.

  2. Trajectory controls, including

    Processing Steps

    Service users wouldn't need to know about these processing steps, but I'll describe them here:

    Other Stages

    In our visualization process are other steps (done in Alex's Maya plugin) which aren't included here, including
    1. mapping (some subset of) sample attributes into visible quantities such as color or opacity, or
    2. placing smooth tubes or ribbons around each trajectory arc,
    3. selecting subsets of the available trajectories based on attribute value or the fact that they pass through a given region of space/time; we've computed them in large batches, and sometimes depended on interactive filters to choose interesting subsets.
    Some portion of the above could be included with the trajectory service -- would that be useful? Without at least (a) and probably (b), the output will be a bit abstract, not representable as a conventional graphical object. Since we used Maya for these stages, our processing wouldn't be directly usable here, though providing some version of (a) and (b) wouldn't be hard.