Configuration Files


amore − AMR Volume Renderer


amore [ options ] [ file ]
amore [
options ] -


"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s _____!"


amore is an Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) dataset volume renderer. Output types include many image file formats, as well as Intermediate Volume Render (.ivr) files (a kind of pre-transformed volume suited for interactive selction of transfer functions). Parameters to the renderer may wither be supplied on the command line, in a configuration ( .luv ) file, or on standard input. If a configuration file is used, command-line arguments will override the values in the configuration files.


All options may be passed in the long --option form. Several options may also be passed in with the short -o form instead. For options which take arguments, arguments may be passed in as --option=value or -o value .

General Options

-h, --help

Print help message and exit.

-p, --progress

Show progress as percentage complete.

-v, --verbose

Be chatty

-f, --config-file=<filename>

Use configuration file. The -f flag is optional (i.e. ’amore config.luv’ will use config.luv as the config file) If ’-’ is used as the filename, configuration options will be read from standard input.

Image Options

-s, --image-size=[<width> <height>] (required)

Set the image width and height in pixels. [Note 1]

-o, --output-file=<filename> (required)

The format of the output is determined by the filename suffix. IVR files are denoted by a ".ivr" suffix. Image types are handled by ImageMagick, so lots of image formats are supported, such as tiff, jpg, png, and others. If the output type supports it, an alpha channel will be output.

Camera Options

-c, --camera-window=[<xmin> <xmax> <ymin> <ymax>]

Set the camera window. By default, ymin=-1, ymax=1, and xmin and xmax are computed from the aspect ratio of the image. [Note 1]

-a, --field-of-view=<angle>

Whole field of view in the Y direction, in degrees. If this value is 0, an orthographic projection is used. By default, this is 90 degrees.

-m, --world-transform=[<m00> <m01> ... <m44>]

The world transform expressed as a 4x4 matrix, where <mij> is the element in the i’th row and j’th column. Amore uses a left-handed coordinate system (double-check this,matt), where the eye is placed at the origin and looks out in the positive Z direction. [Note 1]

AMR Options

-i, --input-file=<filename> (required)

The AMR input file to read. Currently, this must be a MetaAMR format file. MetaAMR is yet another file format, described in the MetaAMR(5) man page.

-n, --field-name=<fieldname>

The name of the scalar field to render. Defaults to the first field found as it appears in the MetaAMR file.

Data Transformation Options

-l, --use-log=<true|false>

Apply logarithm to field data. This is applied before any rescaling (see below). Default is false.



The field data is linearly scaled from the range [scalar-min,scalar-max] to the range [0,1]. Values outside of this range are clamped to the endpoints. This rescaling is performed after any logarithm. [Note 2]

Color, Image, and Compositing Options

--colormap=<filename> (required for image output)

A path to the colormap file. Currently, only cmed style colormaps are supported. That is, a text file of the format N R G B A R G B A ...

where N is the number of entries, and R,G,B and A are floating point values between 0 and 1. The RGB components are assumed NOT to be premultiplied by alpha. This option is ignored when IVR output is used.

--compositor=<compositor name>

Use the specified compositor. Availible compositors are:

over (default). Standard over compositor.

mip Maximum Intensity Projection. For each ray, the maximum sample value is used to determine the pixel color. Fragments are ignored when this compositor is used.

-b, --brightness=<value>

Scale brightness of resulting image by this value. The default is 1. This option is ignored when IVR output is used.

-g, --gamma=<value>

Gamma correct output image. The default is 1. This option is ignored when IVR output is used.


Apply a hyperbolic arcsine to constrain the pixel dynamic range. The default is 0 (off). This option is ignored when IVR output is used.

Quality Options


A floating point value which determines how many samples per cell to use. Default is 2, but for high-frequency color maps, this may not be enough.

Fragment Options

Amore has the ability to composite in ’fragments’ that have been generated by a separate programs, in order to correctly composite in semitransparent geometry or star positions. A fragment file essentially consists of a per-pixel list of RGBA tuples, plus distance from the camera (The file format is described in ????(5)).


Name of the fragment file to read in.


Scales the fragment contribution by <value> before compositing. The default value is 1. This option is ignored when IVR output is used.


Force Amore to depth sort the fragments for each pixel. If the fragments have previously been depth sorted, this option is uneccessary. In cases where the fragments have been only approximately depth-sorted (i.e. a bucket sort), this option is technically required, but has a pretty small effect on image quality.

Configuration Files

amore configuration files, which by convention have the suffix .luv, consist of a list of lines of the form: option=value The option names are identical to those in the long form of the command line options, without the double dashes. See below for an example.


Sample configuration file : sample.luv

# Lines beginning with # denote comments
# Output a 512x512 tiff image
image-size = [512 512]
output-file = sample.tiff
# Use an orthographic view:
depth-of-field = 0
camera-window = [-.5 .5 -.5 .5]
input-file = /data/amr/fs_1400.xml
world-transform = [1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -0.5 -0.5 2 1]
scalar-min = -4
scalar-max = 30
use-log = 1
colormap = /data/amr/matteo_log_max.cmap

Sample Usage

Render, displaying progress:
> amore -p sample.luv

Render same image with a different transfer function
> amore -p --colormap grayscale.cmap sample.luv

Render the same shot to an IVR file:
> amore -p --output-file output.ivr sample.luv
(IVR files are used for interactive transfer function editing)


[1] - Options which take multiple arguments

Arguments which take multiple numeric values, such as camera-window or image-size, require the numeric values to be enclosed in square brackets. When entering these on the command line, this requires that they be quoted. For example:

> amore --image-size=’[640 480]’

Either single or double quotes may be used.

[2] - Rendering to IVR output

If the output is an Intermediate Volume Render (.ivr file), this argument is ignored.


Matthew Hall <mahall at ncsa dot uiuc dot edu>


rib2amore(1), IVRView(1), MetaAMR(5)